Sustainability Policy

Sustainability Policy

General information
Adventy Event and its subsidiary Adventy Travel produces and arranges events, conferences, trips and customer activities for corporate groups. We are actively working with sustainability issues in order to contribute to a sustainable society and create long-term benefits for Adventy stakeholders/clients. It is of great importance for us to set a good example and reflect our work on quality, environment and work environment within our own business. By doing this, it is Adventy’s ambition to become a role model for the event, business and travel industry as well as to inspire our stakeholders/clients to reflect on their own environmental impacts through engagement or participation with Adventy. Adventy AB 556643-9518 and Adventy Travel AB 559012-0043 – see below ”Adventy”.

Environmental policy
Adventy stakeholders/clients should be able to be proud of our engagement and actions regarding environmental concerns. We are committed to a constant improvement of our environmental work along with the reduction of our company’s impact on the environment. In addition, it is our goal to fulfil environmental restrictions and legislations as well as act as a motivator and role model for other event, business or travel industries. Systematic monitoring and accurate examining enables us to develop and actively work with new environmentally friendly methods and materials resulting in the prevention of possible future contamination. In cooperation with our stakeholders/clients, our environmental work aims to encourage all involved parties to reflect and improve their actions and business decisions regarding environmental concerns.

– Highly developed digitalization to reduce and prevent paper consumption
– Waste separation in our offices
– Offering the most efficient and environmentally friendly transport for staff and material during customer attendance and event management
– Taking on full responsibility for the affected environment by immediate actions and responses in case of incidents or conditions that are posing a risk to health, safety or the environment. Detailed reporting and informing of incidents to authorities and stakeholders
– Preservation of natural resources through reuse and recycling of materials as well as purchasing/buying material from secondary resources and using recyclable packaging or other materials
– Ensuring an economically responsible usage of energy in all circumstances, by saving energy, improving energy efficiency and adopting renewable energy sources whenever possible

– Attaching great importance to environmental considerations when selecting suppliers and business partners
– Paying special attention to our suppliers’ and customers’ energy-saving strategies during events we are involved in
– Reliable and competent planning and performing of all environmental aspects within our projects we are responsible for
– Informing and suggesting environmentally friendly alternatives to our customers
– Providing assistance regarding climate compensation for projects requiring transportation by airplanes
– Motivation towards more environmental and sustainable behavior through our employees and their continuous education and information input
– Choosing partners, if possible, with the same or even higher ambitions regarding environmental objectives
– Complying with laws and regulations as minimum requirements

Work environment policy
Adventy’s working environment is based on transparency, equality and respect. We ensure that none of our employees will suffer from illness or injuries due to our work. Furthermore, we always support our employees to develop themselves individually and to fully enjoy their work at Adventy. While strictly complying with our work environment legislation, we also aim at continuously improving and developing our physical and social work environment. This work is performed in close collaboration between employees and employer and represents a natural part of all our actions. As an employee at Adventy, you are an involved participant and contributor to our common work environmental policy and its development throughout periodical continuation. We are seeking diversity amongst our employees in order to amplify our repertory with different experiences, skills/knowledge and talents. Our open working environment enables each and every individual to influence our everyday work as well as the company’s development.

Quality policy
We provide services that meet our clients’/stakeholders’ requests and expectations of quality. Together with our carefully selected partners, our employees guarantee professionalism and form the base for our high-quality work. Our systematic quality work helps us to continuously develop our services by better meeting our customers’ expectations and more easily adapting to their needs. The maintenance of high quality is crucial for Adventy’s existence and therefore of utmost importance within our business. By evaluating our customers’ satisfaction, we can continuously secure and improve our quality.

Our service promises Available: • Quick feedback • Flexibility • Clear communication Thoughtful: • Interested • Engaged • Honest Personal: • Active listening • Knowing our customers • Prestigious

Social responsibility
Customers/sectors Adventy aims to promote a better and more sustainable society in its daily work. Therefore, we have chosen policies and fundamental values which prescind cooperating with industries and/or activities that we consider to have/ or may have a negative impact on the environment and our society.

For this reason, we have decided to not cooperate with industries such as:
– Tobacco industry
– Pornographic activities
– Extreme political or religious movements


Adventy seeks to work as closely as possible with carefully selected suppliers that maintain high quality, economic stability and take on corporate social responsibility. Our suppliers should, in collaboration with Adventy and our customers, help to minimize negative impacts on our environment, health and society.

Adventy offers continuous internships for students in post-secondary education with a focus on the event, business and travel industry. In many cases, internships have resulted in further employment after completing their education.
Adventy actively supports organisations, people and/or other connections in order to contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive society. We provide financial support, expertise and our network. Examples are given by our financial contributions to charity and mentorship as well as our assistance for entrepreneurial projects from high school students. We at Adventy are always open, interested and engaged when getting contacted about environmental and sustainable concerns.